Marketing Automation: what it is, how it works and the advantages

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Marketing Automation: what it is, how it works and the advantages

Reach, win over and retain new customers. This is the goal that Marketing Automation can help you achieve. Find how.
Reading time: 5 minutes

A good marketing strategy is able to bring new customer flows and generate new revenue for any company. However, part of the operations related to marketing often require a large amount of time as they are processes that are repeated many times over time.

Today, thanks to marketing automation, it is possible to optimize your resources by automating all those situations that require time despite being banal and simple, so that you can concentrate on actions that are more significant and strategic.

Continue reading the rest of the article to find out how marketing automation allows you to simplify and automate much of your work.

Marketing Automation, what is it

The web agency allows you to implement marketing automation in order to automate all those marketing actions that are repetitive.

Specifically, the activities relating to marketing automation have the objective of collecting leads, sending personalized messages, managing social pages, making content compatible according to your target or automatically generating communications in order to reach users.

The automation of these fields is particularly effective, allowing companies to save resources, energy and be more efficient.

The automated processes for personalizing communications also create an advantage for users, as only the messages that are of real interest to them are shown, consequently facilitating their purchasing path.

Furthermore, thanks to automation it is possible to collect various data that allow us to understand what works best, which type of personalization is most successful, in order to improve all future actions in order to optimize online marketing campaigns effectively.

This strategy therefore allows all marketing channels to operate more quickly thanks to automation.

Furthermore, all the main automation platforms can work synergistically with sales and marketing tools, guaranteeing the company real data management and analysis centers.

Marketing Automation, how it works

Often you already know what actions users take on the site and what you would like them to take in general. Marketing automation allows you to provide another important piece of information, namely: knowing what actions specific people perform.

In this way, instead of sending thousands of generic emails randomly to all the contacts in the database, you can create a targeted action. Thanks to the work of the web agency, it is possible to know specifically what actions people perform individually, allowing you to create an interconnected campaign to involve users who are truly interested and close to the purchasing phase.

Instead of creating mass email campaigns, this strategy allows you to simplify and have new campaigns that manage to generate new flows of users, and therefore potential new customers.

Furthermore, marketing automation also manages to retain the customers you already have, awakening the interests of some and managing to find new cross-selling and upselling opportunities with all the people who have already purchased in the past.

Marketing Automation, fields of application and functionality

We have seen the great advantages that a web agency with the correct use of automation can bring to carry out all those workflows that, if faced manually, would be repetitive and boring.

For this reason, marketing automation has become indispensable in some fields, here are some in which it is applied.

  • Marketing via email: As already mentioned, marketing automation greatly facilitates the start of classic transactional emails, but not only this, this strategy allows you to automatically send personalized messages depending on the actions that users perform on the site. For example, if a user browsing an eCommerce site clicks on a product, they will be able to receive a personalized promotional message relating to the category of the product previously viewed.
  • Dynamic content: Personalizing communications and not making them homogeneous with mass communications allows you to speak a language recognized by users, therefore being followed and accepting the contents. Marketing automation performs a task inherent to this that is considered indispensable since it creates dynamic content that personalizes depending on the user being taken into consideration. It is true that users like to be called by name, marketing automation does not only refer to the name of the recipient present in the email, but to advanced customizations such as showing content based on the weather of the location where the user is located.
  • Customer activities: Marketing automation software can provide information on target customers. These do not only collect demographic data but discover in detail what user behavior is. For example, it is possible to understand which customers are most active, those who are most likely to read your communications and those who spend the most time on your site.
  • Sales pipeline: The software, in addition to marketing processes, monitors all progress, providing support to customers when they are close to the conversion phase or incentivising them when they are close to the purchase phase but have not yet completed it, for example by sending offers target some products.
  • Data analysis and reports: Last but not least, marketing automation shows analytical insight very quickly, while also providing important reports regarding other situations. For example, it helps to understand which of the marketing channels used by your company are more effective than the others used. Furthermore, automation provides useful data to calculate the costs of individual campaigns, to identify all the contents and to track which marketing actions work best with respect to your target.

Marketing Automation, what are the advantages

Over the years, digital marketing has made marketing automation activities one of its greatest strengths.

Automation software therefore presents several advantages, useful for:

  • Increase the chances of sales: increasing conversion rates is the result of a targeted marketing strategy.
  • Optimize resources: marketing automation is a powerful software that allows you to focus your human resources on more interesting actions that are more productive if carried out by employees.
  • Data organization: all the information collected by the tools is carefully collected in databases, thus being clearer and more organized.
  • Relationship with customers: individual marketing, i.e. personalized communications for each customer, confers great loyalty-building power as it makes them feel pampered
  • Improve the offer: analyzes of customer activities allow us to understand what their needs are.
    Being able to monitor this factor is very important in order to respond to the market, as these change very quickly today also in relation to market trends.
  • Return on invested capital: investing in marketing automation software, thanks to all the information and activities carried out, guarantees a return on investment much faster than many other marketing initiatives.

Marketing Automation, final considerations

We have said that marketing automation is undoubtedly an activity that must be implemented given all the advantages it brings to a reality. However, it is of fundamental importance to make marketing automation work in synergy with other marketing strategies.

It would not be correct to excessively automate all marketing activities in order to always maintain a certain contact with customers, which is why relying on a web agency is the best choice.

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